Sunday 27 November 2005

There and back again.

On the way to the airport we started seeing snow falling, jo got her wish and just before we left. anyhow, plane got delayed 2 hours due to heavy snowfall and we got back to singapore at 1pm plus.

On hindsight, it has been an interesting trip, we met advertising, fine art, photo school, photo exhibition people, and on the very last night before we left, we met a journalist and had a great time talking shop. In short we met people from almost the entire spectrum of photography, so it has been an interesting time.

This has been the longest we have been out of the country, next year will be longer i think, we will leave likely around feb2006. So here we will end the blog for the time being... till we are in paris again. :-)



Heng said...

Welcome Back!! Come knocking ok? :)


i'm back in singapore too! but will leave again for the uk for christmas. maybe see you sometime soon...

good time to leave europe - think it will be a cold cold winter.

Anonymous said...

yeah. will come aknocking dude. it's cold man. cant believe its -1 in the weather report. see you guys soon. :-)
