Monday 18 December 2006

Update on Jo's mom III

My mom had a brain scan done today. As we greatly feared, her vessels are constricting quite a bit. The doctors have said that there is nothing further they can do. In fact, there is nothing my mom can do either. So now, we just have to wait and see what happens.

The issue with the constriction of blood vessels in the brain is that it may cause another bleed or stroke, which she might not be able to take in the current state she is in. So please pray for God to heal. My prayer is that now, when no one else on the face of this earth can do anything more, God, you have to come in and do something. My sis and I have been praying for a miracle. And we really want to see that come to pass.

My sis is in the hospital now. My mom is running another fever and there seems to be a strange swelling above her left brow. So that is causing some anxiety. I have still not spoken to her since I got back. Neither does she know I am home. Please pray for strength for us, in all aspects.

So that's how things are now. Thanks for praying. We will update you again.


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