Sunday 10 December 2006

Back in Singapore 12 December

Jo's mom had an anuerysm on Sunday morning (singapore time) today and had to admitted to the hospital. She is in a coma now has to undergo surgery to live. We are trying to book the flight out of Paris for tomorrow morning and will be back in Singapore for about a couple of weeks, maybe till end of January. We are not sure about everything else and will update you guys as soon as we can. I know this sounds rude but please don't call Jodie or me coz everything a bit luan now. We will keep the blog updated with info when we are back. Please pray for her mom. Thanks guys.


Update: 2pm Paris Time - Kat just informed us the surgeon operated and cleared the anuerysm. 2 others were found and 1 was cleared. The other was too small. Jo's mom will be in intensive for the next 3 days. We are confirmed on the morning SQ flight back from Paris - Singapore. Thanks for praying guys. We are really stoned now coz we didn't sleep the night and there some things to pack.


wahj said...

Take care guys: our best wishes and hopes go with you.

Anonymous said...

the Lord healeth your mum in law.

Anonymous said...

she has been very lucky.

cherish the time moving forward.

take that from someone with the experience.