Friday 21 July 2006

37°C day : 33°C night

It’s been blazing hot this week. And the temp hit super high about 2 days ago. We didn’t know this of course since our TV was down since day on the world cup final match. Jo and I have been using the bathtub for cold soaks once a day, keeps us cool for about 3 hours before feeling hot again. Have been guzzling tonnes of water, oringina and the occasional big bottle of 97cents Perrier.

Heard that it’s hot in Spore too, and coupled with high humidity, I know what it feels like, perspiration sets in 5 minutes after a shower. Over here it’s takes 10 minutes. Kekeke.

Our stuff from Spore was suppose to reach France at Le Harve on Monday but it has been delayed till Sat, so it looks like we are going to have to wait for everything to come into Paris on Friday or Sat next week. Can’t wait for my beng pc. Woohoo!

We applied for Internet on 15 June but still haven’t got it yet. Ne’emind just wait, ‘c’est la vie en France’.

So we waits… :-)



Heng said...

Hope you have a camera dude!

Anonymous said...

The weather in Singapore was strange last week. There were sunshine and drizzles at the same time and it was so humid. :-)


Anonymous said...


my colleague flew off to london on sat. she say its abt 40 deg in the day!!!! :P

over here, hot then rain, hot then rain... most of the time, hot rain. i thank God for aircon.

Anonymous said...

trusty fan is still working. wah 40 in london, can kill people leh.



yes, london is super super hot. and we don't even have a fan in the house!