The delivery guy came early yesterday at 7am to deliver 13 boxes worth of stuff that was packed in early March when we left our Rose Garden apartment. And due to complications with French import/export companies we had it shipped out only in late June. And even so, it reached France 22Aug even though we expected it to hit our house on the week of the 17Aug. I counted it’s been nearly 4.5 months since the electronic stuff like the dvd player, external hard disks, etc have been switched on. Anyways, I fixed up the heat sink in the desktop and voila!

I’m sooooo happy. :-)
Jo felt great coz her cooking books, cutlery, books, tambourine stuff and clothes were here. I feel the same coz of the pc & accessories and dvds. It felt that a bit of our life in our old apartment had been restored… Honestly, it was extremely comforting. But at the same time I couldn’t help but feel that in getting all of our stuff, this was the final cutoff from Spore.
YEAH!!!! I am so happy for yous too! :)) Now we waits for da internet access....!!! Kekekekkee
eh? final cutoff? rubbish! you still have me to disturb u now and then to remind u of your links in Singapore!
Comp still looks cool dude ;-)
Regardless, you have to go forward. I hope that you are now prepared to break new ground and scale new heights. And I am not talking about online gaming.
In Singapore, you and Jodie are never far from my thoughts. Every now and then, images of you and Jodie will appear in my mind. I have images of you in paris home, of you only wanting milk and of Jodie whipping up a good meal. :-)
No final cut off. No such thing. ok?
The beng computer rides again ... = )
aiyah. not cutoff from friends and family lah. i still feel connected to people. but feel cutoff from the spore buzz and lifestyle generally.
heng - you really funny
thanks for writing and take care guys.
Singapore buzz and lifestyle? When you are finally home again after a few years, you will get to see it and feel it everyday. Look forward and no need to miss anything here in Sing. :-)
Incidentally, Rose Garden announced an enbloc recently. Either done deal or just beginning of bid. Maybe by the next time you two come back, Rose Garden will no longer be there already. :(
haha! that beng PC!
me, i only came here with 2 suitcases. Didn't ship anything, except got my friend to help ship 2 - 3 boxes of books.
Kind of miss some of my stuff now...
good to know you've got more familiar stuff now : ) You guys may not have heard much from us but we thinks about you...hugzzz!
look fwd to quicker and more updates once net access is onzz
jen : )
wei wei - sighz about rose garden. it's been enbloc for at least 5 times including this one. it's beyond funny already. but i do miss that place, the little tiles on the floor, dingy staircase, they dont build them like that anymore... in fact, lana's cake shop feels like that lor.
jen - we miss you guys too, but believe me, it's been a time of *waiting*. i tell you, it's the hardest for sporeans to do. just like squeezing getting blood from stone.
ru - yah, you wont believe it. jo's LOVES the white bedsheets we brought over, she's been telling me that everyday since friday. in fact, our place feels alot like rose garden now.
hi wes and jo! fancy meeting you off a link from abigeal's blogsite! haha.... sorry, it's jacQ & vic, er, you took our pics long time ago.. :D
Sounds like you're settling in real nice over in europe! keep in touch!!
hi jacq!!
of course i rem you guys. great to hear from you. :)
Hello wesley and jodie!
Marvin here, stumbled upon your blog after stumbling upon Pondmusing's blog.hehe. Strange things that the internet can do.=) don't mind if i link this to my blog?=p
Hope you all are doing fine, and here's wishing you two a happy national days as well!=)
no probs, i dont mind.
does it feel like 'closure'?
but just a chapter in life no?
maybe you're just past chapter 3 or summa... i think for usits past chapter 9 or 10 i lose count...
aiya... distance is irrelevant... resistance.. is futile...
have fun,
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