Saturday, 20 January 2007

Professional Photography in Singapore - The Next Few Years

Moved to new blog.


Anonymous said...

*mouth open big big*..*blinkblink*.
wes, the next time u come back, wait u're still here i forgot. u should run workshops for education and monetary purpose.

the thing is most startup photographers usually jump in blindly once they have their hands on the first dslr they have.

education of photographybusiness(PB) will save alot of braincells and sleepless nights.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for this very informative post. As someone who is considering photography as a full time occupation, this post has really opened my eyes. Things are really not as simple as it seems now. So many factors and question to consider and ponder.Like is it possible to straddle between wedding and commerical or advertising....When do we transit from one phase to another..

This is a really great post. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

do i smell a wedding comeback? haha :)

makes sense...what a detailed computation...makes me think thrice ;)

Wes & Jo said...

hi guys,

thanks for your feedback! marvin > i'll try to dig something up.

Unknown said...

The info is good to absorb what you said. Its always good to have a Full Time and a freelance as what you said.

Thanks for the great advises!

Anonymous said...

hmmm... is the price being driven down by photogs from across the causeway coming to work here? Their business costs in their home base would all be much lower than in Merlionpore/

Wes & Jo said...

hey uncle dan,

not really. the causeway photogs were popular for a short time in the early-mid 90s (wedding especially) for a short while but they proved quite unreliable so they faded out mostly.


ShutterBug said...

hehehe... thanks Wes for the wonderful breakdown... it's good that it is broken down coz then when you look at the figures & stats, you know you have to increase the awareness of such costing to the clients thus reflecting it back into our pricing :)