Friday 30 September 2005

more updates

hey all,

we are staying in the 15th arr, studio apartement next to 'commerce' station. been feeling kinda disconnected with everybody, esp no fragging. but also know that this is probably 'point of no return', like a plane with half the fuel left and can't return to base?

no choice but to fly all the way to the next destination... honestly, got a thousand brain cells screaming to go home but hey if God gives the ok, we will follow. We just have one lead now, meeting up next week to talk then see how. no shoots yet from now...

Jo gotz the flu, bit of fever but she's holding up A OK... she looks a bit sleepy now though.

wes reporting and signing out.

ps: fw! with WW in spirit and teamkilling you guys in my dreams.


Anonymous said...

Look upon this time as rest and preparation! :)

With internet connectivity not so readily possibly could be the most techy (and potentially coolest!!) guy around your arrondisement!!! Hehehee....

Cheer up, k?


Heng said...

Hey Wes. I heard that John Clang pounded the streets for months in New York before he got his break. Keep the faith.

joe said...

Hey you both.. don't let them thousand screaming brain cells get to you.

hang in there k
erm...cling like Clang?

Guess although the struggling is that mandatory prefix to artist/photog/actor etc..but the difference is the seeing it through.

Keeping you in prayer


Wes & Jo said...

allo allo,

thanks guys... very touched. :)