Oh, and about Macs
Inner geek is speaking again. I have friends who swear by the PC and some by the Mac. I guess we all know about Windows problems but I have had friends who swore that Macs are nuclear proof. Sad news is that Macs are also prone to software, hardware and other types of failure. Here are some links of the latest MacBooks. Engadget.com also has all the stories but the site seems to be having loading problems.
White MacBooks showing premature discoloration
MacBooks becoming crackbooks
Apple acknowledges random shutdown problem (aka blue-screen-of-death?)
People are complaining coz Macs are not computers. In the owner's heart and mind, they are Ferraris. And if you get a Ferrari, you wouldn't want your Ferrari to have a casing crack or expect the car to stop working, because you paid a Ferrari price.
I love both Macs and PCs. I also had the experience of dealing with the Apple Service Centre in Singapore. I had a 17incher that came with a airport card failure on arrival. In fact, the Powerbook was giving me electric shocks when AC powered. I had to ask Jo's dad for help coz he was really good at negotiating with stonewallers in Apple Yio Chu Kang. I ended up with an exchanged AC adaptor. :-)
So why were Macs worshipped from the 80s? I played Rescue Raiders on my buddy's Pineapple and wanted to buy an original Apple IIe. I saw a Mac in '83 in a display store (Sime Darby I think) in Centrepoint and I fell in love with it. When I went to Jo's company in 99, I saw an original Mac with B&W screen still chugging along doing wordprocessing. I was sold. Macs were invincible.
I got a G3 Powerbook in '99 and it died in '02 after days and days of overnight RAW processing. Back then, I read that Macs weren't produced in Singapore and Ireland (and the US?) anymore, the production had shifted to Taiwan. So how now? If you are on Final Cut Pro (like Jo) or Mac specific software, then get a Mac. Be prepared, pray and hope you get a good set.
That said, I like the iLife software that comes bundled with the new Macs. Really excellent, does about everything for media for most folks.