Normal Stuff
It is end of week 5 and the days are merging into a state of normalcy... like we are slowly settling into a Parisian pace and mood. We have mastered 'hello', 'thank you, good bye', 'good day', 'good evening', 'good weekend', 'see you tomorrow' and 'get out of my way' in a genuine french accent to con most folks. We learnt to avoid the 6pm to 7pm metro crush-o-rama. Also, we've established a routine of wake-eat-shower-eat-getout-before-2pm cycle to keep us going for the weekdays. Wednesdays are grocery days, church is on Sundays at 5pm, and laundry is every 2.5 to 3 weeks. We eat quite a bit at home coz 1 meal in a restaurant = 4 days of 3 meals at home. The chinese medicine from the sin-seh is doing wonders for Jo, she was very happy to do with just 1 layer in 24c yesterday.
On the work end, some of the leads are getting warmer. We'll see how that goes, might take a while to develop since meetings can take up to a week to schedule. The routine probably sounds boring but it's quite ok la, taking it one step at a time. We are generally happy.
Might cut down the writing a bit, see how first. If there's anything exciting to report, you guys will be the first to know.